Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Honoring Nancy J. Ring January 21, 1974-March 13, 2010

We have a unique writing group which formed over 10 years ago from fellow members (most) of Christian Writers Fellowship International who bonded into deep fellowship of sharing the Lord, writing and friendship. Wendy Lawton, LeAnne Benfield Martin, Paula Lindstam, Teena Stewart, Marti Suddarth, Nancy J. Ring and I wanted to write for the Lord, and while some of us found careers in Christian publishing, we found something even better as very different women from all corners of the United States who came together by email.

We dubbed ourselves SALT: Struggling Artists of Literary Talent and in the early years critiqued each others’ stories and articles, helped each other make decisions about our writing, got together at conferences and retreats or even individually. We are like family. Nancy was the youngest member of that group and she died on March 13, 2010. Her funeral is March 16, 2010 in Chicago.

Members of our group will be contributing to memories this week on two blogs, Beauty and the Beholder by LeAnne Martin
and my other blog, Wilderness Journeys with Crystal Laine.

Come by today to read an interview I did with Nancy ( from this very blog, When I Was Just a Kid,  and see the original interview on the sidebar to the right) and remember Nancy with us.

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